
sabato 18 luglio 2015

WW1 Learning and Reflecting on line

WW1- The war that changed the world

Remarkable facts about  WW1:

  • Watch the video and write down the numbers you saw in your post: what have you learnt?

  • What does this trailer tell you about the woman in the story?  Have you ever heard about  VERA BRITTAIN?

  • Wilfred Owen : a  poet  who writes about  war

" The next  War".  What does he tell us also today? 


  • Watch the video about  the men  who wrote about  WW1 : they were called   " war poets".  How did they feel about war? Did they  change their attitued towards war?

Watch the videos and  answer the questions about what you have learnt?  What idea of war  did people have at the beginning and how did they change?  Post your  reply and write  about  you learnt.
I have also prepared a special  chat on line where you can discuss the issues presented  and share your  impressions. You do not  need to register. It is up to you to choose which form you want to use to share ideas.


I have decided to start this blog to provide you with opportunities for reading,  watching   videos   and  writing  in ENGLISH.

I will be your  tutor on line, just follow the posts and do the activities on line.  I will try to help you learn  English in a better way.

Tiziana  Angiolini
English Language Teacher